29 October 2009

Another 42,195 meters...complete!

On Sunday, October 25, I completed the Frankfurt Marathon - my second marathon.


I've only been a "runner" for about 3 years now, and had you asked me then if I'd ever do a marathon I'd have told you "Uh, no. Don't be ridiculous." Jon is convinced that the average human body is not meant to run 26.2 miles at a time. Heh

I've been blessed to have run these two in (1) Athens, Greece and (2) Frankfurt, Germany. I've become rather keen on running in Europe...or wherever they measure in km as opposed to the mile.

Kilometers seem to pass quicker than miles...maybe 'cause they're shorter duh

I don't focus on the fact that there are 42.2 km in 26.2 miles...I just look for the next distance marker - not the number on it!

We all have our own mind tricks to make it through!

Frankfurt was amazing with live music, food and beer (for non-runners) and amazing crowd support along the route...and in the 100 year-old Festhalle was our red-carpet finish.

No, seriously, there was a red carpet leading to the finish...confetti & cheerleaders, too!

Jon wanted a picture of me in my "cute" running gear

Over 9,000 runners if front of me @ the start. It was over 14 minutes from this point to cross the actual start line!


13km - with Kaiserdom St. Bartholomäus in the background

A band along the course dressed as pirates, singing 80's rock. Jon was very taken!

35km - Jon said he took this man's picture because "he's SO OLD...and he was ahead of you!" ...nice...

Red-carpet Ziel (finish) in the Festehalle

heading for the finish! (42.2km 4:48:21)

He's so proud!

Of course, we had to head out on the town Monday morning and check out Frankfurt!

Fall colors and the River Main

Buildings of the Römer - three Gothic buildings that the Altstadt (Old City) centers on
Römerberg (a plaza)

Haus Römer - has served as the Rathaus (City Hall) for 600 years

What a great time!

Jon and I are really looking forward to the upcoming holidays, and all the visitors we have headed our way!

...so we have a little time to figure out where we'll be traveling to next!

08 October 2009

In Training

So, I haven't been around to blog in a while. No reason, really...just nothing profound to write about.

Do I really ever write anything profound?

I have been busy though. I've been training for the last 4 months for my upcoming marathon in Frankfurt on October 25th...17 days to go! Wish me luck!

For this marathon I am fundraising for the Air Warrior Courage Foundation which provides scholarship assistance to the surviving dependents of U.S. military personnel killed-in-action, missing-in-action, prisoner-of-war or killed while performing aircrew duties in a non-combat aircraft accident. Please, sponsor me if you can!

I'll definitely post about the run...so...probably nothing for...oh...17 days ;)

Then the fun should pick up. Jon and I have friends from England flying in for Thanksgiving, my family visiting for Christmas - to include the Nuremberg Kristkindlmarkt and a side trip to Lucerne, Switzerland - and Jon's best friend, Dom and his girlfriend, Kris, visiting in February...fun plans for that visit TBD.

Until then...