11 November 2009

Support Your Troops

Jon left for work, in uniform, early this morning.

I've been blessed - and maybe made a little complacent - that here he is only driving 15 minutes to a military school house to teach.

But today, on Veterans' Day, I think back about rising at 2 a.m. and keeping a smile on my face and a positive attitude while Jon dressed in his uniform and grabbed his bag in preparation to fly himself into Afghanistan.

My father was a veteran. My husband is a veteran. I am a veteran.

This, obviously, makes my patriotism run deep...and maybe makes it easier for me to deal with life during a deployment.
I am not naive enough, however, to think that everyone understands what we're trying to accomplish...or to even say that I understand.

What I do know is that I am very thankful to all of the men and women who have fought (and who are fighting) for our great country.

The truth is that these men and women - whether you agree or not, whether you protest or not, whether you support our current President or not, whether you support our troops or not - have given us the right to believe whatever we wish AND to express those opinions openly.

Thank you to all the Airmen, Sailors, Soldiers and Marines who have given me the right to sit here comfortable on my couch, log-on to the internet, and blog about how much I appreciate each and every one of them.

I love Jon for so many reasons, but today I am especially proud of him for sacrificing for all the things that we take for granted.



Awesome, girl. Absolutely awesome post. Amen to that!

Happy Veterans Day!

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