04 May 2009

How do I turn this thing on?

We (I) have decided that we are going to jump on the blogging bandwagon.  I'll fill Jon in on this later...I'm am absolutely certain he'll be thrilled! (Did you feel the sarcasm?!)
Jon and I have been stationed away from family & friends for the past (going on) 4 years.  And as much as I absolutely love being in Europe - let there be NO mistake - I also love keeping up with the lives of family and friends (whether long-time or Air Force aquired!). If you know me, you will know that, for me, the internet is a God-send, as I have a cordial dislike for telephones, at best.
Enter, our (my) interest in starting our own family blog to keep everyone posted (even when life really isn't so interesting) and to quench my own curiosity as to wether I'm up for the blogging challenge.
On that note...
Here goes nothing!


Lorren Says... said...

So glad you are blogging. Can't wait to live in Europe vicariously through you! :)

Siromani said...

Love you!!! Miss you!! Now send me some French bread!


Hooray!!! Of course you know, I believe this is a GREAT idea. Jon will get used to the idea. And Alix... she'll LOVE being the center of attention cyber-style!

Love you! I'm adding you to the blog roll!

Anonymous said...

Hell yeah!! Otter and I do our best here in the 333d to keep the Chango legends alive...this will be perfect! Miss y'all- give Alex a kiss...

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