10 May 2009

It's Mother's Day...

...so, obviously, my mom comes to mind.
My mother and I aren't what you might call close - I live in another country, and we may talk to each other for 5 minutes 2 or 3 times a month...maybe.
My mother and I don't see eye-to-eye on LOTS of things.
My mother was probably not the most nurturing by today's standard - but I turned out OK...right?
She didn't come to my High School soccer games, she didn't encourage me to "prepare" for college, she was not pleased with my decision to enlist in the Navy, and I am quite certain she could do without us living overseas. In fact, she's made that rather clear!
I tell you all this, but I will also tell you that I have NO doubt in my mind that my mother loves me and my sister.
She did the best she knew how. She put all her heart into raising us, and I can only say that the fact that I can see our differences - and appreciate them - is because she is the one who taught us to be "our own person" whether she realizes it or not.
So, on this Mother's Day - although I feel this way EVERY day - I want to wish my mom the happiest of Mother's Days.  I want my mom to know that I love her VERY much, and I think she's the best mom out there.
After all, she raised me to be the person I am today...and I'd have to say that I'm rather pleased with the outcome.
Happy Mother's Day to all moms out there.  I hope today is a great one!


Siromani said...

Well put, sweet pea. :)

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